Last Epoch: Should You Give Erza's Ledger To Erza Or Artem? (2025)

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  • Should You Give The Ledger To Erza Or Artem?

Last Epoch has dozens of powerful Unique items you can discover throughout your playthrough. Within the first few hours of making a new character, you can stumble across a wide range of powerful leveling Uniques that can scale into the endgame.


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Two notable Uniques you can earn while leveling are Gambler's Fallacy and Avarice, both of which are tied to the Erza's Ledger quest. Give the ledger to a specific character, and you'll be rewarded with a powerful leveling item. This guide will explain how to start the Erza's Ledger quest, where to find the ledger, and explain every reward you can earn from this quest.

How To Get Erza's Ledger

Erza's Ledger, sometimes mistakenly called "Ezra's Ledger," is a quest item that's obtained during the "Erza's Ledger" and "Artem's Offer" side quests. Both quests become available when you reach The Council Chambers during the Ruined Era. It's impossible to miss this area. Simply keep following the main story until you reach this zone.

Once you're in town, you'll want to speak with either Erza or Artem, two NPCs on the western edge of the chamber. Both of them will ask you to visit Erza's Study and collect his ledger. You can find the ledger on the northern corner of Erza's Chambers, marked on your minimap with a circle icon. Be sure to grab it before returning to town.

Last Epoch: Should You Give Erza's Ledger To Erza Or Artem? (2)
Last Epoch: Should You Give Erza's Ledger To Erza Or Artem? (3)

The important part of this quest is who you talk to next. Your quest reward is determined by who you give the ledger to. Erza will give you the Avarice gloves, while Artem will give you the Gambler's Fallacy amulet.

You may only receive one reward per playthrough. If you want a different quest reward, you'll need to create a new character.

Upgraded variants of both items—Burning Avarice and Soul Gambler's Fallacy—are also obtainable in Last Epoch's endgame content.


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Erza Ledger Reward

Last Epoch: Should You Give Erza's Ledger To Erza Or Artem? (5)

If you give the ledger to Erza, you will receive the Avarice Unique gloves. These gloves increase your elemental resistances—including fire, lightning, and cold—as well as your leech rate. More importantly, a percentage of all elemental damage you deal is leeched as HP. This includes elemental damage from weapons and spells, giving most classes a form of HP sustain in the early game.

The HP leech effect of these gloves is extremely powerful and makes leveling a breeze for most characters. You'll still need to invest in elemental resistances and HP to stay alive in later levels, but these gloves make the campaign of Last Epoch much easier.

Artem's Offer Reward

Last Epoch: Should You Give Erza's Ledger To Erza Or Artem? (6)

If you decide to give Erza's Ledger to Artem instead, he will reward you with the Gambler's Fallacy Unique amulet. This amulet guarantees a critical hit if you haven't landed a critical hit in the last four seconds. You also heal for every instance of critical damage you inflict.

Such power does come with a downside. After you land a critical hit, your critical chance is effectively halved for the next four seconds. This greatly reduces the effectiveness of critical hit builds while leveling, making this amulet better suited for endgame builds that can convert critical chance into a more consistent damage source, notably Mage Disintegrate builds that use Ignivar's Head.

Should You Give The Ledger To Erza Or Artem?

Last Epoch: Should You Give Erza's Ledger To Erza Or Artem? (7)

Generally, we recommend most builds give the ledger to Erza. This will give you the Avarice gloves, a powerful early-game Unique that will significantly increase your survivability. The guaranteed leech from elemental damage, paired with the free elemental resistances, is too good to pass up. Gambler's Fallacy isn't a bad amulet, but it requires an optimized builds to truly shine.

If you are worried that you missed out on a potentially great item for your build, don't fret. Avarice and Gambler's Fallacy have stronger variants you can earn in Last Epoch's endgame content, so you aren't locked out of these items forever. Moreover, both Unique items don't roll with Legendary Potential, so they cannot be upgraded to Legendary quality in the late game. In other words, you're going to replace them at some point.


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Last Epoch: Should You Give Erza's Ledger To Erza Or Artem? (2025)


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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.