The Schuyler Sun from Schuyler, Nebraska (2024)

i The Schdyler Sun Thursday, August 18, 1977 AC Richland Community Events Mrs. Ward Stevenson Jr. The Schroeder family reunion was held Sunday at the Richland City Hall a picnic dinner held at noon. Present were Mr. and Mrs.

Elden Svatora, Allen and Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry E. Abraham Jr. and Lori, Mr.

and Mrs. Lumir Moural, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wolfe, Wendy and Drew, Mr. and Mrs.

Elmer Ahrens, and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Henry and family, all of Schuyler; Mr. and Mrs. Longin Sindelar and Mrs.

Elmer Wachal and Dawn of Richland; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sindelar, Scott and Dana of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Moural, Jason and Bobby of La Vista; Mr.

and Mrs. John Wolta of Brush, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hoessel, Mark and of Leigh, Mr. and Mrs.

Carroll Ahrens, Ron, Randy and Suzanne and Chris Otte, all of Wahoo; Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Schroeder and Lillian, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Schroeder, Val and Duane, Mr.

and Mrs. Bill Schroeder, Heidi and Barbara, Edith Wolta, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kummer, Marie, Wayne and Bryce, Mr. and Mrs.

John Garbers and Jeremy and a guest, Mrs. Elma Brooks, all of Columbus. Schroeder reunion held on Sunday Happy Circle Club News Mrs. Paul Klug served as hostess Wednesday afternoon when the Happy Circle Club met at her home. One member.

Mrs. Harry me Swanson, was absent. During the business meeting, election of officers was held, with the present officers, Mrs. Ward Stevenson, president and Mrs. Paul Klug, secretary treasurer being elected to serve another yearly term.

Each member chose a month to act as the hostess. The club made plans to have lunch at a local restaurant in Columbus in September. Two contests pertaining to cakes and flavorings were held with prizes awarded to the winners. Mrs. Siebert Engel won the door prize.

At the close of the afternoon the hostess served lunch. Present were Mmes. Ed Engel and Siebert Engel both of Columbus, and Mmes. Werner Klug, Charles Stevenson and Ward Stevenson Jr. Mr.

and Mrs. Kenneth Schmid, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Quick and Mrs. Ann Peltz of Schuyler were Wednesday evening visitors at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Clarence Votava of David City. Mrs. W. F.

Haney of Columbus and Mrs. Arnold Oehlrich went to Omaha, Friday on business. Sharon Klug and Sandy Busch, both of Martel and Cindy Jones of Lincoln spent the weekend at the Clem Klug borne. Mr. and Mrs.

Harold Klug attended the wedding of Donna Barcal and Brian Foutch Saturday afternoon at the Trinity Lutheran Church in Columbus and the reception and dance at the Sand Pit in Schuyler. Donna Barcal is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Klug. Mr.

and Mrs. Myron Klug, Greg and Cindy also attended the wedding and reception. Cindy was bridesmaid for her cousin, Donna Barcal. Mr. and Mrs.

Leonard Bauman attended the Burwell rodeo on Saturday. Sunday afternoon callers at the Leonard Bauman borne were Mrs. John E. Sedlacek and Mrs. Sharlene Sedlacek, both of Schuyler, and Mrs.

K. Roy Bailey of Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bauman went to Gretna, Monday to visit their son, Ray Bauman.

Earl Kluck had dinner with his daughter, Mrs. Alice Anderson and son, Matt of Columbus. In the afternoon, Mrs. Alice Anderson and Matt and Earl Kluck attended the open house honoring Mr. and Mrs.

Jess Youngberg of David City on their 60th wedding anniversary the Congregational Church of David City. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Welch were Sunday afternoon and evening visitors at the Willis Klug home. Mr.

and Mrs. Rick George of Omaha were Saturday visitors at the Willis Klug home. Mrs. Joan Graham of Omaha was a Saturday visitor at the Larry Henry home. Sunday afternoon visitors of Mr.

and Mrs. Larry Henry and family were Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Hanak, Jeannie Hanak and Mr. and Mrs.

Tony Szatko and family of Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wolta of Columbus attended the Colfax County Fair in Leigh Saturday. Cook cup of chopped in 1 tablespoon butter or margarine until tender.

Add 1 cup of sour cream, 2 cups diced cooked dash each of salt and pepper, and one teaspoon lemon juice. Heat; do not boll. Serves 4. Wilson Community News Mrs. R.

C. Dvorak County Fair participants from area Many persons in the area were involved with county fair last week. Cathy Vrba, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Vrba received the Grand Champion Rosette in Home Environment for her heirloom trunk which had been refinished inside and out.

Her trunk will be entered at the State Fair in Lincoln. A thought exhibit prepared by the Wilson Jr. Homemakers on the kind of breakfast that people eat received a purple ribbon and also will be entered at the State Fair. Debbie Sobota, Susan Horn and Janet Dvorak each received purple ribbons on their Food With International Flavor entries. Debbie Sobota, who arranged an exhibit with an Italian sweet bread, and Janet Dvorak whose exhibit was a Prince Phillip cake on a tray for an English tea will be entering their exhibits at the State Fair.

Purple ribbon clothing exhibits from the Wilson area clubs included Becky Loseke, Shari and Sandy Horn, Laurie Vrba, Gwen Franzen, Cathy Vrba, Shelley Kasik, Nancy Vrba, Debbie Sobota. The Wilson Community Extension Club received a purple ribbon on their booth depicting family life program "IMPACT The Porkettes lard cake contest in the open class category at the fair brought first place to Mrs. Royal Loseke, and second place to Janet Dvorak. They were awarded gifts for their placings, by the Pla-Co Queen on Sunday evening during awards night at the grandstand. Janine Spale and Lynette Loseke were among the members who rode on the Schuyler FHA float at the county fair.

Albert, Patty and Steve Jedlicka, children of Mr. and Mrs. George Jedlicka, had a very successful year at the county fair with their sheep. and Mrs. Louis L.

Peter of O'Neill who graduated as an LPN from Northeast Technical College in Norfolk on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Loseke attended the open house for the 40th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.

Hershel Peters which was held at Johnnies on Sunday afternoon. Chris and Todd Swan, children of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Swan, of Rockport, N. are guests this week at the home of their aunt and uncle, Desald Mables Oregon guests Guests at the home of Mr.

Dist. 1 School News Oh, where has the summer gone is what some of the pupils' of Dist. 1. are wondering. Dist.

1 School will begin Aug. 29 at 9 a. m. Dismissal for Kindergarten pupils will be their regular time at 11:45. Other students will be dismissed at 2:15 p.

m. on the opening day and at 3:45 p. m. their regular closing time all other days. Christine Stevensen graduates Christine Stevenson, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Theilen Stevenson, graduated Friday afternoon from Platte College from the School of Nursing. Those attending were Christine's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theilen Stevenson, her sister and brother, Debbie and Douglas Stevenson, grandmother, Mrs.

Ed Muhle of Columbus, also Miss Metta Heibel of Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hansen, Mark and Paula of Schuyler, and Mr. and Mrs. Ward Stevenson Jr.

and sons. Christine was honored at a supper that evening by her parents at their home. Present were Mrs. Ed Muhle, Miss Metta Heibel and Mr. and Mrs.

Milo Hajek, all of Columbus Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hansen, Mark and Paula of Schuyler. Mr. and Mrs.

Jim Finley and sons of Fremont were Monday afternoon visitors of Mrs. Robert Finley. Mr. and Mrs. Waldean Saalfeld and Emil Saalfeld spent Sunday in Linwood at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Dennis White. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zimmerman, Wayne, Bruce and Mike left July 31 and arrived the next day in Columbus, Ohio where they stayed until Wednesday as guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Sal Belmonte. In Ohio, they also visited Mr. Zimmerman's mother, Mrs. Catherine Asay and Mr.

and Mrs. Lee Kazee. From Columbus, Ohio, the Zimmermans left for Norfolk, on Wednesday arriving there Thursday where they visited their son Robert T. Zimmerman who is in the Navy, stationed on the ship, the U. S.

John F. Kennedy. They had a tour of the ship on Friday. Saturday morning they left, returning to their home in Columbus, Tuesday evening. Mrs.

Charles Albro went to Omaha, Tuesday. She spent Wednesday at the home of her sister, Mrs. John Sanderhoff who was celebrating her 84th birthday that day. Then Mrs. Albro was a guest of Mrs.

John Workman, returning home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Sucha and family were Tuesday evening visitors at the Edward Mastera home. John Reiter of the Columbus Manor and Mrs.

Lucille Greaser went to Schuyler on business Monday and later had lunch at the Village Inn in Richland. Mrs. Lucille Greaser went to Council Bluffs Friday and was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Spence.

Saturday, Mrs. Larry Heikes and daughter, Renee also visited at the Spence home. Mry. Greaser returned home Sunday evening. Mrs.

Frank Greaser and sons visited at the Francis Volsicka home of Clarkson Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gernstein of Leigh were last Monday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs.

Edward Mastera. Mrs. Marvin Folken attended bridal shower honoring Rita Behle, Sunday afternoon at the Emil Mueller home of Columbus. Rita will become the bride of Curt Wilke on Sept. 17 the Immanuel Lutheran Church in Columbus.

Pam and Jeff Henry spent Monday at the Adolph Hanak home. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Loveless of Columbus were Wednesday afternoon and Mr. and Mrs.

Ronald Jacobs of Columbus were Wednesday evening callers at the Adolph Hanak home. Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Stevenson and sons were Sunday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Lloyd Stevenson and Nicole. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Poulas of Schuyler were Sunday evening visitors at the Paul Klug home. Friday evening visitors at the Paul Klug home were Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Kasper, Mr. and Mrs. Vince Fendrick and Mr. and Mrs.

Lester Schindler. The group celebrating the birthday of Paul Klug. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Abraham and Mr.

and Mrs. Kenneth Schmid were among those that attended the Merry Mixers Card party Friday evening at the Werner Hake home of Platte Center. Winning high were Mrs. Joe Abraham and Adolph Rickert. Low winners were Mrs.

Walt Mueller and Joe Abraham Mr. and Mrs. Clem King attended the Colfax County Fair in Leigh Saturday and Sunday. Surprise party Mrs. Kluck Mrs.

Raymond Kluck was pleasantly surprised her birthday Aug. 5 when a group of friends arrived at her home in the evening to have a birthday party. Guests were Messrs. and Mmes. Roger Kluck, Gary Kluck of Fremont, Richard Wachal Sr.

and Renee, Melvin Fendrick, Louis Bruhns, Edwin Kluck, Alvin De Bower, and Roy Kohler, and her husband and sons Craig and Quinn. A carry-in lunch was served later in the evening. Boy Scout Paper Drive News The Boy Scouts from Troop 276 of Columbus wish to thank everyone in Richland and the surrounding area for the papers they received last Saturday. There will be another paper drive in October and anyone wishing to bring papers to Richland for the drive may leave them at the home of Mrs. Robert Finley, which is just north of the Post Office.

Friday evening visitors at the Lewis Abraham home to extend birthday greetings to Mrs. Abraham were Messrs. and Mmes. Edward Abraham of North Bend, Arnold Kluck, Cyril Kluck, Mrs. Katie Grotelueschen, Mrs.

Eleanor Moural and Joyce Svasek, all of Schuyler, Mrs. Sharon Oltmer and Tina of Lincoln, and Mr. and Mrs. Ward Stevenson Jr. and sons and Donald Abraham of Richland.

Monday evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mastera, Carole and Diane were Mr. and Mrs. Alan Sucha and family, Mr.

and Mrs. Allen Grotelueschen and Mark, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Loseke, Mr. and Mrs.

Kenneth Schmid, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Stevenson Jr. and sons and Herbert Grotelueschen. The group was celebrating the birthday of Edward Mastera.

Mr. and Mrs. Ward Stevenson Jr. and sons were Sunday evening visitors of Joyce Svasek of Schuyler. Mr.

and Mrs. Herman Schaer were Friday evening guests at the La Vern Saalfeld home. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Saalfeld visited his mother, Mrs.

Edna Saalfeld at the Birchwood Manor in North Bend, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Kodad and Mr. and Mrs.

Phil Christensen attended the Eagles' third year anniversary supper and dance, Sunday afternoon and evening at the Eagles Horne in Schuyler. Terry Kodad and Albin Moore spent Saturday and Sunday in Burwell attending the Bur well Rodeo and Show. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schaer visited Mrs.

Martin Reinke, a patient at Columbus Community Hospital, Thursday afternoon. Mr. Mrs. Kenneth Schaer and Kimberly of Columbus were Sunday evening visitors at the Herman Schaer home. Mr.

and Mrs. Bob Zimmerman, Wayne and Bruce, Mr. and Richard Peterson and Mrs. Robert Finley attended the Myron Floren dance Sunday evening at the Starlight Ballroom in Wahoo. Bob Leimser re entered Bishop Clarkson Memorial Hospital in Omaha Friday morning.

Mrs. Robert Finley and Mrs. Gertrude Muhle of Columbus left by plane from Omaha on Aug. 1 for Oregon. Mrs.

Finley was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Kluck of Lake Oswego, and Mrs. Muhle was guest of Mr. and Mrs.

Alden Legler of Salem, Ore. They returned Aug. 11 and were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Molacek of Omaha, before returning to their homes Aug.

12. Mrs. Clarence Brockelsby, Mrs. Marilyn Van Arade! and Dori, Mrs. Elmer Wachal and Dawn and Mrs.

Agnes Ondracek attended the Colfax County Fair in Leigh, Sunday evening. Dori Van Arsdel attended the wedding of Marci McNally, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard McNally and Thomas Behmer of Columbus at St. Augustine's Catholic Church in Schuyler Saturday and the wedding reception that followed the Oak Ballroom.

Dori was a Saturday overnight guest of Anne McNally at the Leonard McNally home. Nineteen boys of Boy Scout Troop 276 of Columbus attended Camp Eagle Cedar Bluffs and earned merit badges and three boys earned the mile swim award. They Wayne Zimmerman, Jeff Becher and Jeff Barnes. The troop received a ribbon for Honor Camp site. Scoutmaster Bob Zimmerman and assistant scoutmaster Chuck Wilsey attended with the Troop.

Mr. and Mrs. Bud Henke and family of Columbus and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Divis were Sunday afternoon visitors of Mr.

and Mrs. Adolph Hanak and family. Funeral on Tuesday for Emma Navrkal, Wilsen resident Funeral service was held Tuesday morning at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Schuyler for Emma Navrkal, 93, a long-time resident of the Wilson Community who died at Mory's Haven in Columbus on Aug. 13.

Father Jerome H. Dickes was celebrant of the Mass. Kucera Rozanek Chapel was in charge of arrangements. Emma Navrkal, the last of 10 children of John Pokorny and Antonia Pesicka, was born on Oct. 4, 1883, in rural Clarkson.

She attended rural school in the Clarkson area. She was married to Joseph Navrkal on Feb. 8, 1904, at Holy Trinity Church of Heun. He died in 1916 and she continued to live on the family farm northeast of Wilson until she moved to Mory's Haven in 1975. She was a member of St.

Mary's Church at Wilson since her marriage and was an honorary member of the St. Mary's Guild at Wilson. She is survived by one son, Stanley of Columbus, one grandson and one granddaughter. She was preceded in death by her husband, one son, her parents, four sisters and five brothers. Parish rosary was held at the mortuary on Monday evening.

Members of the St. Mary's Guild of Wilson attended in a body. Pallbearers were Adolph Pokorny, Lumir Pokorny, John Bahns, Joseph Navrkal, Steven Navrkal, James Diouhy Sr. Burial was at St. Mary's Cemetery at Wilson.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Spale and family visited with Amelia Kacin of Omaha, on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Spale of Schuyler.

Virginia Dvorak, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dvorak, was dismissed from Columbus Community Hospital on Thursday of last week. Patty showed the Champion Dorset Ram and the Reserve Champion Dorset Ewe. She was also the top FFA sheep showman.

Albert showed the Reserve Champion Suffolk Ram and he was reserve sheep showman in 4-H. Steve received a purple on his Suffolk breeding ewe over 1 year and Steve also received second place in Jr. Sheep showmanship in 4-H. Joha0. Jedlickas vacation in lowa Mr.

and Mrs. John 0. Jedlicka and family spent last week vacationing in Iowa. Among interesting places visited were the Fort Dodge Museum and fort, and the Grotto of the Redemption at West Bend. In Des Moines they spent one day at Adventureland Park, and the Living History Farms, the Hall of Science and Industry and the state capitol.

One morning they observed the beginning of the Indianola Hot Air Balloon races where 50 colorful balloons were inflated and ascended into the sky with their baskets and riders in competition for large prizes. The last day they attended the Sidney, Iowa Rodeo where Crystal Gayle was the guest star. Some of the corn crops in western Iowa showed drought and hopper damage. A few fields near were dried before tasseling. Mr.

and Mrs. Emil Jedlicka and Mr. and Mrs. David Jedlicka attended the funeral of Mrs. David Jedlicka's grandmother, Mrs.

Arthur Huwaldt in Neligh on Monday. Patty Jedlicka attended FFA camp in Aurora on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. She and Ruth Goff and Russel Divis were taken to camp by FFA sponsor, Mark Malmkar. Miss Doreen Straw of Nebraska City was a weekend guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Adolph Loseke and Tom. AUCTION Location: Rogers, 1 Block South and 1 Block West of Kraci's Garage. FRIDAY, AUG. 26 6 p.m. 1973 American Motors Hornet; Couch; end tables; pool table; washer and dryer; Gibson freezer; lamps; bedroom sets; portable color TV; lawn mower; lawn chairs; snow skis; stereo; sewing machine; GE dishwasher; 60-piece set of Crown Victoria China; 16-piece set of Corelle; Hamilton Beach roaster, and blender; 4-slice toaster; can opener; steak knives; pots; pans; Pyrex baking dishes; Tupperware; iron chicken fryer; enamel roaster; 2 20-inch bicycles; many misc.

Items. The above items for sale to settle the estate of: KAREN K. SCOTT Rodney D. Johnson, Attorney Clifford E. Nelson and Wilson Scott, Aucts.

TERMS: Cash day of sale. Not responsible for accidents. BACK TO SCHOOL Special STATE TATE 9-month Subscription to TATE The 2 ler Sun for College Students $6.00 in state STATE $8.00 out-of-state STATE ESTATE STATES STATE STATE DOT STATE STATES and Mrs. Donald Muhle and Lori on Sunday, Aug. 7, were Mr.

and Mrs. Richard French and Carol Sue of Phoenix, and Joy Sorter, Smithfield, Utah. Afternoon guests were Mr. and Mrs. Don Muhle and Kelly of Columbus.

In the evening guests gathering for potluck picnic at the Muhle home included Messrs. and Mmes. Robert French, Everett Poole, Milferd Lucke, Bob Wolfe, and Bob French, Mrs. Sadie Pirrie, Mrs. Louise Peters, Mrs.

Bernice Mentzer, and Mrs. Anna French, all af Schuyler; Messrs. and Mmes. Richard Rothanzel and children, and Bill Peters and Sarah of North Bend; Mr. and Mrs.

Earl French and Kim French of Omaha; and Mr. and Mrs. Greg Wilke of Leigh. The Richard Frenches left on their return trip to Oregon on Tuesday. Mr.

and Mrs. George Jedlicka and family attended the ceremonies in Norfolk for Louise Peter, daughter of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. James Sediak.


The Schuyler Sun from Schuyler, Nebraska (2024)


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